Artists For a Cause - Connecting Artists and Charities
Artists for a Cause, Helping artists make a difference

February - March 2017

Singing with the Stars

The lights shone brightly at StarStruck Theatre on March 24 as six community stars commanded the stage with their professional partners to compete in the fourth annual Singing with the Stars.  More than $30,000 was raised through this signature fundraising event to benefit non-profit Artists for a Cause (A4AC). 

In front of a lively crowd, Christine Jung, former FBI agent and resident of Mariner Sands Country Club, and her professional counterpart Shane Thomas, Choral Director for OPUS at Martin County High School, were the Overall Winners. Their victory reflected the amount of funds raised by Jung and by their score of 29 for their performance of “Come Rain or Come Shine.”  Christine was also presented with the award for Top Fundraiser of the event! 

The trophy for Top Performance was presented to Gil Smart, who was awarded a perfect score of 30 from the judges.  Gil is a columnist for the Stuart News/Treasure Coast Newspapers, which was one of the sponsors of the event. Gil was met with thunderous applause for his performance of “Separate Lives” with Eileen Walentin, Choral Director at South Fork High School. 

Once again this year, the event was expertly emceed and directed by Jennifer Jones, co-owner of StarStruck Academy & Theatre with her husband Peter Jones, who wowed the crowd as musical director and pianist. This year’s judges included two professional singers from past Singing with the Stars events, Charles Jones and Karin Leone, plus Susan McAllister, a contestant and winner for Top Fundraising from the 2016 event who currently acts as the Artists for a Cause High School Club Liaison. Their friendly banter and constructive critiques were met with cheers and jeers from the lively audience.

 The winners had formidable but friendly competition from five other community Notables, who were each paired with a professional partner. They included: Lynn Kreps, with Jimmy Paul Choral Director of Jubilate at Jensen Beach High School; Heather Morris, with Shane Thomas; Preethi Sekharan, with Jimmy Paul; and Michael Terrio, with Eileen Walentin. Each and every duo brought a unique style, talent and twist to the show and were awarded special recognition ranging from Most Fun Song Choice to Most Creative Staging and Fundraising.  

“This year’s event is going to be hard to top,” said Artists for a Cause Founder and Executive Director Terry Barber.  “Both the energy from the performers and the audience was palpable.  I am humbled by, and thankful for, the outpouring of support for our organization.  It’s not the easiest to explain, but folks really seem to understand now how we can both support culture and meet the critical needs of our community.”

Event sponsors include: Mr. Chain; The Terrio Group; Tim & Maureen Cotter; Faye A. Haverlock; Paul J. Feinsinger; The Stuart News/TC Palm; Pedersen Family Foundation; John & Betty Duffy; Pete & Pat Frank; Charles Jung; Terry & Warren Skidmore; Avenue Entertainment; Forest Hills Funeral Home; Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith; Gunster Law Firm; Dan & Marty Gescheidle; Gene & Allyson Gilliland; Ellen Glasser; Susie McAllister; Eileen Roemer; Robert Watson, PA; Style Encore; NisAir; StarStruck Theatre; The Firefly Group and Advanced Printing.

Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber

The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber (in Concert), Proceeds Benefit
March 30

Delray Beach Center for the Arts at Old School Square
Delray Beach Center for the Arts at Old School Square
51 N. Swinton Ave
Delray Beach, FL 33444
United States
Tickets: $45 
Duration: 2 Hours

Exceptional Young Artist Salon Showcase

February 28, 6:00 p.m.

Kranzberg Arts Center - Studio
501 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103

Some Enchanted Evening

February 27, 4:30 p.m.
Mariner Sands Country Club

Lorrianna Colozzo and Terry Barber performed "Some Enchanted Evening," as the kick off to charity week events, a concert featuring some exceptional A4AC youth. 

Hope for Freedom Benefit Concert

Saturday, February 25, 7:00 p.m.
South Fork High School Auditorium

Mariner Sands Chapel Concert Series

February 13, 4:00 p.m.
Mariner Sands Chapel

"My Funny Valentine" Cabaret Concert

We would like to thank our sponsors for their support. Please, click to learn more!

       Mr Chain       


Elisabeth Lahti| The Elmezzi Foundation | Forest Hills Funeral Home |The Firefly Group | Maureen & Tim Cotter | Amethyst Fund
NisAir Air Conditioning| Gordon & Doner | Gunster | Women Supporting the Arts | Forest Hills | Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith
The MAH Foundation | Style Encore | StarStruck Academy & Theatre | Avenue Entertainment | Advanced Printing

Artist for a Cause Logo

Artists for a Cause, Inc.
2330 Route 33, Suite 315

Robbinsville NJ 08691

Phone: 917-662-7681

Artists for a Cause, Inc.
is exempt from federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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